Monday, March 21, 2011

More exciting news!

Life just keeps getting better and better, folks! Last night, I performed at the Lansdowne Pub's Open Mic & Talent Competition. It's a collection of musicians, magicians, comedians, and more competing for the chance to win $500 cash and open for the band Bearfight. The competition has been going for the last five or six Sundays, with two acts every week moving on to the finals on April 3rd. This past Sunday, it was three acts --- of which I am one! I am very excited for this opportunity.

Another highlight from last night: performing an impromptu and (dare I say?) epic rendition of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" with two other fabulous musicians, David Hanlon and Travis Watters. David also lead the crowd in a sing-a-long of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody". The entire bar participated, which I will flagrantly assume was unprecedented in its awesomeness. Travis performed earlier in the evening with Melissa Ireland, and they actually made me like a Bruno Mars song. Well done! See you all April 3rd!

What I thought I looked like last night vs. what I probably actually looked like

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hurray for Japan!

Thanks to everyone who came out to Copperfield's on Friday night! In conjunction with the Boston Origami Project, we raised $243 for the Red Cross' relief efforts in Japan. I'm so proud to have been a part of this. Thanks also to City of Squares, The Minor Three, and Stereo Drive-By, who shared the stage and helped donate to the cause. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brand New Fan - Caroline

I met the lovely and well-traveled Caroline while promoting tomorrow's show in Boston. Thanks for participating, Caroline! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

NYC Part 1: The Vital Movement at The Recoup Lounge

Let me give you a little background on this show: I was tired. I mean, dog tired. And grumpy. I didn't want to go; I just wanted to be a lazy butt and watch Law & Order in my pajamas. But what was I in NYC for after all? So my friend Monica and I trekked over to the Lower East Side, knowing that there would be a keyboard waiting for me.

Except for tonight.

Tonight, the regular keyboardist was unable to make it, and so when I arrived, I had nothing but a mic. There was a live DJ, and we made an attempt to create a karaoke track out of the tracks on my album, but no dice. Finally, the lovely and talented Miles Thomas approached me with another option: another mixer had arrived with a two-octave keyboard and a laptop. I decided to give it a shot, and this was the result.

Other highlights of the evening included me joining in the Cipher Jam and freestyle-singing over some live samples. I had never tried anything like it before, and it was a blast. Additionally, a rapper got up and used his mic time to hit on me in his rap. Probably the most creative way anyone has ever come on to me. (Sadly, I don't have video of it, though.)

Special thanks to Alexis Williams ("Lex") of Golden Eye Video Production who graciously captured this crazy moment. Check out her stuff, especially her work for fabulous NYC artist Renee Dion.